10 Inanimate Objects In Wrestling That Somehow Got Over

2. Head - Al Snow's Mannequin Friend

Xavier Woods Trombone

What does everybody want? An outrageous, weirdly-sexualized gimmick involving a mannequin head that inexplicably has the words "help me" printed on it. Backwards. Probably because Al Snow was projected to be the only person in the universe who would enjoy this gimmick, so he might as well spend all his time in front of the mirror making himself laugh.

No other object could have possibly captured the imagination of the Attitude Era as perfectly as Head. It was the exact right amount of clever (not very) and crude (extremely) to catch on with teenagers at the time. After all, when you're fifteen, there's nothing funnier than chanting "We want Head!" and then having giggle fits about the double entendre.

The Head gimmick didn't just boost Al Snow's career, it gave him one. Before he started lugging that piece of mannequin to the ring, Snow was best known as Leif Cassidy, the other half of the remarkably misguided "New Rockers" tag team alongside Marty Jannetty. He wasn't exactly thriving, is what I'm saying.

But good ol' Head became a fixture on ECW and WWE programming for almost five years, allowing for the highly underrated team of Al Snow and Steve Blackman, aka Head Cheese, which provided us the wonderful gift of watching Blackman wear a Green Bay Packers cheese hat.

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Xavier Woods
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.