10 Inanimate Objects In Wrestling That Somehow Got Over
3. Santino's Cobra Sock Puppet

It's not exactly a secret that Vince McMahon loves to recreate his greatest hits whenever he's given the chance, whether that means resurrecting DX for the millionth time or repurposing a beloved gimmick for a new generation of fans.
Santino's Cobra finisher is obviously a blatant rehash of Mick Foley's Mr. Socko, even if no one involved in the creation of the gimmick has ever come right out and said it. The mere fact that they had a "face off" between the Cobra and Socko at the 2012 Royal Rumble could certainly be viewed as an admission of sorts.
Fans don't really care if something has been done before, though, so long as the reworking is done well. (See: Every superhero remake of the last twenty years.)
And before the creative team decided to completely jump the shark by introducing a snake charmer battle between Jinder Mahal and the Great Khali into the mix, fans were more than happy to see Santino reach into his singlet and pull out his snake. It was absurdity at its finest.