10 Most Insane Characters In Wrestling History

9. 'Mad Dog' Vachon

Famous for his wild style and utterly fascinating interviews, Maurice €˜Mad Dog€™ Vachon was the wrestler€™s madman. Originally an amateur wrestler, he famously competed in the 1948 Summer Olympics before making the switch to professional wrestling. Vachon was good, but struggling to make his way out of the pack, when he decided to make himself stand out. He began to shave his head, growing a beard, and bulking up €“ but his truly revolutionary moments came when he decided to personally buy local TV advertising time to run promos on his upcoming opponents. Soon establishing himself as a loudmouthed heel, Vachon would become unhinged in the ring, pounding and even biting his opponents. He acquired the nickname €˜Mad Dog€™ after a match in the Pacific Northwest saw him leave the ring and begin to destroy and dismantle ringside, even knocking out a real policeman who attempted to stop him. His nasty, mauling attacks, clawlike nails and teeth rending his opponents, soon had Vachon feared the length and breadth of the USA. Legend has it that he was banned from wrestling in three states due to the use of weapons and his overuse of the notorious piledriver finisher. Incredible influential €“ he allegedly invented the now-commonplace promo directly to camera, and inspired a legion of wrestlers with his wild, bloodhungry image €“ €˜Mad Dog€™ Vachon was a legend of his time, inspiring future maniacs like Bruiser Brody and Mick Foley.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.