10 Most Insane Characters In Wrestling History

8. Al Snow

Allen Ray Sarven would wrestle for the WWF (as it was) under several gimmicks during the mid-1990s. He was a superhero, a ninja and a rock n€™ roller, famously €“ and terribly €“ replacing Shawn Michaels as Marty Jannetty€™s partner under the name Leif Cassidy. Nothing gelled, until he was one of the wrestlers sent to ECW under the terms of the WWF€™s talent exchange initiative with the maverick east coast promotion. Directionless, he dipped into a book on abnormal psychology, and decided to play a character with schizophrenic tendencies. Finding an abandoned mannequin head on the street near the ECW arena, the picture was complete: Al Snow and Head were born. Snow began talking to the mannequin head as if it was his friend or tag partner, bringing it to the ring with him, and writing €˜HELP ME!€™ backwards on its forehead. This made him incredibly popular with the ECW crowd, who loved a loveable maniac, and Snow (and Head) would often draw chants of €œHead! Head! Head!€ in arenas across the USA. Head was temporarily replaced with a chihuahua named Pepper, who Snow also talked to as if it was his partner. Al Snow was never what you€™d call a massive draw, remaining firmly rooted to the midcard, but he had his significant moments. Most memorably, he fought himself in a hardcore match, the culmination of which was violently throwing himself from the top turnbuckle through a table.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.