10 Mansions Where Wrestling's Biggest Superstars Live

2. John Cena/Nikki Bella

John Cena Nikki Bella House

When WWE cameras went inside John Cena and Nikki Bella's home on Total Divas, the first thing that became apparent was that the front room looked more like a reception hall for some posh business than a standard home hallway. That's just the beginning.

Cena has his own private cigar room, an old-school gaming rig (he's an avid PC gamer), and the outside is brilliantly framed by waterfall pools and good old-fashioned Florida palm trees. In the courtyard, numerous luxury vehicles are parked around the place, and Cena has more in his indoor garage.

The inner child in us adores the fact that the couple have a water slide that drops down into one of the outdoor pools too. Should it rain, they can always retreat indoors for a splash in that annex you see at the bottom of the picture.

We can't see you, John, but we can see your house.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.