10 Most Awesome Wrestling Moves Of 2015 (So Far)

8. Naomi's Reverse Hurricanrana On Paige

A lot of fans may be surprised to see this move make the list, because there was talk shortly after Elimination Chamber on social media that the situation looked pretty dangerous, if not even a little sloppy. However, countering that, Naomi's reversed Hurricanrana on Paige didn't leave a mark on the English Diva's body, yet looked utterly devastating. When was the last time the women of World Wrestling Entertainment were given free reign to be this creative? It's been a while, and apart from a new notable exceptions over the past few years (AJ Lee vs. Kaitlyn at Payback 2013, for example), there's been precious little innovation to cheer about for the female members of the WWE locker room. This Triple Threat battle at Elimination Chamber, also featuring the WWE Diva's Champion, Nikki Bella, was given some time to shine, and it's of great credit to both Naomi and Paige that they came up with this spot. It's pretty difficult to make wrestling fans think someone is legitimately hurt in 2015, but there were concerns over this move "going wrong" and Paige being injured, even though in reality she was completely fine.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.