10 Most Awesome Wrestling Moves Of 2015 (So Far)

7. Neville's Twisting Plancha On John Cena

There are few aerial artists like Neville in today's world of wrestling. Sure, there are many who can execute moves such as this one, but can anyone claim to have the unbelievable poise or precision that the Newcastle, England native possesses? The are great high-flyers, such as Dragon Gate's Ricochet, but Neville performs brain-bending moves on the biggest platform of all, WWE. The man's signature move is the Red Arrow, a Corkscrew Shooting-Star-Press in other words. Every single time the Geordie takes to the skies to perform the thing, fans stand with jaws agape, unable to comprehend just how someone can turn so gracefully after working a match. Given that the Red Arrow is Neville's finishing move, it usually happens at the end of the bout, meaning he's tired when he flies through the air, just take a moment to think about that. Aside from the Red Arrow, the guy has many more tricks up his sleeve. During one match against John Cena on an episode of Monday Night Raw, Neville was allowed to show an array of skills from his arsenal, hitting a breath-taking Twisting Plancha on the WWE franchise. It's not only the move itself which makes this one awesome, just look at how Neville lands, it's flawless.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.