10 Most Disappointing Wrestling Entrance Stages Ever

4. Extreme Rules 2013

SummerSlam 07

Extreme Rules may be the night when "WWE goes extreme" but set design is one aspect of the show that often escapes that mindset. Becoming the post WrestleMania PPV for seven years, it evolved into a staple of the WWE calendar in the same slot that Backlash once thrived in.

The stage for the show has always been based around the letter "X". Some shows have integrated the idea better than others. 2012 for example, had an antagonistic quality with the letter acting like cross-hairs around the titan-tron screen.

2013 was the year that WWE appeared to do the bare minimum in terms of linking the branding and entrance stage. Essentially a large "X" with horizontal lines emanating from each axis, the whole thing felt dull and flat. For an event that boasted so many hardcore stipulations, the setting was as forgettable as they come.

The main titan-tron screen was shifted awkwardly to one side and whilst the graphic wall behind the lettering was an interesting addition, there was nothing about this stage that screamed excitement.

Fans of a certain vintage may also notice the similarity between the stylised lettering seen here and the one used for the old UK exclusive InsurrextIon PPVs.


I, Tom the Scourge of Carpathia, the Sorrow of Moldavia, command you! Norfolk based wrestling and movie fan with a tendency to love the ludicrous. You can follow me on twitter @marriott118 and tell me why I am wrong, wrong, WRONG!