10 Most Disappointing Wrestling Entrance Stages Ever

5. December To Dismember

SummerSlam 07

Taking a shot at December to Dismember from 2006 is a bit like beating the frail bones of an already decayed horse. It was an infamous failure that has already gone down in history as the final nail in the coffin of WWE's ill-fated revival of the ECW brand.

Poorly booked, poorly received, and boasting the record lowest number of buys for any modern PPV, December to Dismember was a disaster. There was no clear vision for the event and that uncertainty invaded every aspect of the show, even the stage.

All the promotional material for the PPV featured a chimney wrapped in Christmas lights and barbed wire. That visual combined with the inaugural "Extreme Elimination Chamber" might have given WWE the inspiration to do something seasonal and creative.

What fans got was a single circular screen (presumably meant to represent a bauble) suspended above a uninspired rectangle and a poor, half attempt at an Elimination Chamber style structure. The confused, disjointed design was complimented by a multitude of red and green lights because, well, Christmas.

The result was a generic yet gaudy stage that looked rushed with elements tacked on to create a link with an event that WWE clearly had little faith in to begin with.


I, Tom the Scourge of Carpathia, the Sorrow of Moldavia, command you! Norfolk based wrestling and movie fan with a tendency to love the ludicrous. You can follow me on twitter @marriott118 and tell me why I am wrong, wrong, WRONG!