10 Most Disappointing Wrestling Ladder Matches Of All Time

10. Eddie Guerrero Vs. Rey Mysterio - SummerSlam 2005

"Where the f*ck was Vickie? God dammit!" Is there a more memorable quote to ever come from a missed spot? Aside from featuring one of the most legendary missed cues in WWE history, this ladder match was chockfull of timing issues and botched maneuvers. The sunset flip powerbomb off the ladder would have been cool...if Eddie hadn't lost his grip on Mysterio halfway through, making it look like Latino Heat was getting help from a friendly ghost as Rey hit the ground hard anyway. Maybe it was Mysterio's slick, purple S&M outfit that caused so many issues. But that doesn't explain where the f*ck Vickie was at the end of the match, dammit! The custody battle angle over the son Eddie abandoned years ago, Dominick, was interesting. Every time they cut to ringside to show the little guy's look of concern, the stakes seemed to rise just a little more. And that bit with Dominick jumping the barricade and trying in vein to shake his birth father off the ladder so that he can stay with his stepdad? Adorable. (A little weird and slapsticky, but adorable nonetheless.) Unfortunately, the constant in-ring flubs made it hard to appreciate the other action or the intriguing storyline.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.