10 Most Disappointing Wrestling Ladder Matches Of All Time

9. Big Boss Man Vs. Mankind - Raw Is War 1998

Mick Foley in a ladder match for the Hardcore title. Those words alone should send goosebumps up and down your spine and set your expectation level somewhere near "free steak dinner in the backseat of your newly gifted limousine." And...Big Boss Man. Did those three words just send the goosebumps packing? If they didn't, watching their brief, uninspired duel from '98 will surely do the trick. This is one of those ladder matches where not only is the ladder an afterthought, but the entirety of the action seems to be one, as well. It's hard not to get the feeling that Mick Foley showed up late to that week's episode of Raw and Boss Man was battling some sort of inner ear infection that prevented his feet from ever leaving the mat. The interference from the Rock after just a few minutes proves that management didn't have much faith in the match, either, and only wanted to use it to build some more heat around Rock's newly corporate character.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.