10 Most Meaningless WWE Royal Rumble Wins

McMahon's booking is rumbled.

The Royal Rumble is one of the best concepts WWE ever innovated. Originally a Pat Patterson idea, Vince McMahon turned the match into an attraction that's only behind WrestleMania in terms of drawing power. It should be a success every time, as it is such a simple formula to get right. The money angle is a popular babyface overcoming the odds and defeating 29 other men in an over-the-top-rope contest. He then chases down a heel champion towards WrestleMania, where he finally defeats the bad guy and takes the treasure. Of course, this being WWE, the Royal Rumble victor has often ended up being a disaster. Far from setting up huge money programmes, the match has all too often set up duds for WrestleMania season. On some occasions, the Rumble winner never even went on to the 'Mania main event, meaning the result was pretty much rendered meaningless. How can the creative team screw up such an easy concept? A lot of the time it is to do with over-thinking the booking, or backstage politics leading to contrived situations. Think back to the way Daniel Bryan was wilfully ignored by WWE back in 2013, when he would have been one of the most meaningful Rumble winners of all-time. There's a history of meaningless winners that WWE wants you to forget.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.