10 Most Overrated Wrestlers Of The '90s

6. The Ultimate Warrior

Kevin Nash WCW World Champion

Give him credit for being intense and energetic, but don't give him credit for literally anything else, because The Ultimate Warrior simply doesn't deserve it.

In the late '80s, people fell in love with the Warrior character for obvious reasons: he looked and acted like a lunatic, had a dynamic ring entrance, and could Gorilla Press exceptionally large men like they were toddlers. He was a fun guy to watch during his first year with the company.

But it didn't take long to realize that The Ultimate Warrior was a pretty terrible in-ring performer when he wasn't just throwing guys around. That came to light during his IC title reign and only got worse once the spotlight was on him in the early '90s as WWE Champion.

Speaking of which, The Ultimate Warrior has to be one of the least deserving WWE Champions in the history of the company. It's easy to list the Warrior's Top 5 matches because that's literally the number of good matches he had in his entire career. He couldn't sell moves to save his life, couldn't adapt to anyone else's style, and spent the majority of every match bludgeoning whoever he was in the ring with.

Also, never has one man's inability to deliver a nonsensical promo been defended so wholeheartedly by fans who insist that his bonkers ramblings were "part of the character he created." Nope. Just...nope!


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.