10 Most Overrated Wrestlers Of The '90s

5. Jeff Jarrett

Kevin Nash WCW World Champion

When he wasn't busy ripping off The Honky Tonk Man's gimmick, he was trying to imitate Ric Flair. When he wasn't disgracing Flair's strut, he was generally participating in mediocre matches with people who were much more original and talented than he was.

Despite his abundance of confidence, his promos came off as wooden and stilted, like Michael Cera reading dialogue that was written for Denzel Washington. You could see that he thought highly of himself, and apparently that was enough to fool us for a good long time.

To his credit, Jeff Jarrett had the basics down. Against his credit, there wasn't much to his in-ring abilities beyond the moves that every rookie comes out of training camp possessing. But hey, at least he could perform them well.

Is that all we needed out of a guy who held the record for most IC title reigns until Chris Jericho knocked him off his perch? And let's not forget that this is someone who went on to win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship four times while the company still had guys like Ric Flair, Diamond Dallas Page, and Booker T on the roster.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.