10 Most Underappreciated Wrestling Moves

3. Kurt Angle's Top Rope Belly To Belly Suplex

Kurt Angle can do it all: make you laugh, cry, regret your decision to put glass there... so it's a struggle to find one area where he is underrated, because he does receive a good deal of pretty justifiable praise. His top rope belly to belly suplex, however, just does not get enough credit for how amazing it truly is.

Watching suplex after suplex after suplex you start to realise how great Angle's feet are - and not in a creepy way, but in the way he runs to a corner, up the ropes, grabs an opponent and throws them clear over his head without stumbling or even any hesitation.

It never stops being a delight to see Angle, in the middle of the ring, suddenly realise his opponent is doing something top ropey and decides “well, best thing to do is get up there and throw 'em.” It's always a sprint too, he does it so fast you probably didn't even realise how good of a move it truly is.

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