10 Most Underappreciated Wrestling Moves

4. Goldust's Inverted Atomic Drop

Cm Punk Big Show

Goldust is under appreciated as a wrestler in general, so it stands to reason that his moves are commonly overlooked. The inverted atomic drop is no exception and is the lynchpin to Goldust's strategy of the total and clinical destruction of his opponents' junk.

Think that's an overstatement? He used to regularly punt people full on in the no-no area, disregarding rules of both the ring and bro code. In his current run in WWE Shattered Dreams has been pushed to the side and Goldust hasn't done any testicular rearrangements in some time. The inverted atomic drop is the best attack left at his disposal that focuses on damaging the downstairs.

Granted, the Inverted Atomic Drop is technically supposed to affect the tailbone rather than the reproductive zone of bone, but Goldust is definitely the sort of guy that would see it as an opportunity go all old testi-ment (get it?) on his foes. Aside from Goldy's constant goal, trying to make someone barren, the move always looks great and has been in Goldust's repertoire for years. And sure, Shawn Michaels does a mean inverted atomic drop; but it somehow fits best with Goldust.

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