10 Reasons TNA's The Final Deletion Was A Shakespearean Level Masterpiece

1. It Brought TNA Much-Needed Publicity

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Forgotten in all the hype surrounding The Final Deletion - which was essentially Steamboat/Savage from a technical standpoint combined with the storytelling brilliance of The MegaPowers exploding - is the fact that this one angle has gotten more people interested in TNA than anything they've done since bringing in Hulk Hogan and the ill-fated attempt at reigniting The Monday Night Wars.

While those less advanced among our species may scoff at the spectacle Matt and BROTHER NERO created for our enjoyment, no one on either side of the argument can deny that it's been a hot topic in the wresting world. Ratings have yet to come out, but don't be surprised if there's a significant bump in viewership.

All around the internet, wrestling message boards were littered with comments the likes of "This will be my first time watching TNA..." or "I haven't watched Impact since...". Fans were tuning in to witness this masterpiece that was likely the result of a company on its last legs saying "F*ck it, just do whatever, we probably can't pay you anyway."

And it was absolutely glorious.


Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.