10 Reasons TNA's The Final Deletion Was A Shakespearean Level Masterpiece

2. The Match Told The Story Of Their Careers

matty hardy tumblr
Impact Wrestling

Being that this match took place in the backyard of the Hardys, if we're to assume this was truly "The Final Deletion" then their careers have come full circle, ending in the exact same place they began. Matt and Jeff were essentially the posterboys for an entire generation of backyard wrestlers, and there was a beautifully poetic symmetry to have this bout take place where the two brothers first learned their craft.

In much the same way I covered earlier easter eggs, the entire story was structured in a way that encompassed the breadth of their careers. It ended with the two engulfed in flames, which is akin to how they began to get noticed in WWE, as part of The New Brood alongside Gangrel.

The fireworks were no doubt a genius allusion to Jeff's pyro accident he suffered on SmackDown a little less than a decade ago. Willow made an appearance, V1 was referenced. Jeff even playfully used a tazer on both Matt and Reby - during happier times, obviously - in a bizarre home video they posted on YouTube a few years ago.

The ladders, the dirtbike track, the entire showdown was one big love letter to Hardy fans. A demographic which should now include everyone on Earth.


Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.