10 Ridiculous Early Ring Names For Famous Wrestlers
10. Edge Was Sexton Hardcastle
To most of the world, when they hear “Edge” they probably think of the lead guitarist of U2. Wrestling fans immediately think of the Rated R Superstar. But if someone told you about “Sexton Hardcastle”...well, you’d probably assume they just got done watching a porno.
When Edge first broke into the business, he chose Sexton Hardcastle as his moniker. He was young at the time, so you can forgive him for this questionable decision, but it’s hard to imagine an arena full of families chanting “Hard-castle! Hard-castle!” He also went under “Adam Impact” before the big leagues, but he couldn’t stay away from Hardcastle, and continued to use the name, probably most famously in a tag team with Joe E Legend called “Sex and Violence”.
When Edge/Hardcastle later got his WCW tryout matches, he morphed into Damon Striker. Striker did not last long, though. And when Edge was signed to a WWF deal, Hardcastle sadly crumbled, never to be heard from again.