10 Most Ridiculous Lawsuits In Wrestling

5. Jerry Lawler Sues WWF Over Harley Race

In May 1987, Memphis wrestling legend and future WWE Hall Of Famer Jerry €˜The King€™ Lawler filed a lawsuit against the WWF for trademark infringement. Lawler had been known as €˜The King€™ since 1974, when he defeated his mentor Jackie Fargo for the NWA Southern Heavyweight Championship €“ it€™s an abbreviation of €˜King Of Wrestling€™, but there€™s an obvious callback to Elvis Presley (the other King in Memphis) there too which has allowed Lawler to retain the nickname/title for forty years. In 1986, Harley Race had won the second King Of The Ring tournament in WWF. The company was running a policy of avoiding mention of any other wrestling promotions in its gradual national expansion, and had hit on the tournament as a way of presenting Race€™s impressive pro wrestling pedigree without actually mentioning his accomplishments. When WWF began to promote a show in Memphis, Lawler€™s home territory, as featuring €˜The King€™, Lawler decided to take a stand: he felt that he had sufficient standing with the local wrestling audience that this was a transparent attempt to muddle his fans into thinking that he was appearing for the WWF, a promotion he€™d never worked for at that point and that, in Tennessee, he was directly competing with. This seems absolutely fair enough to us, and it only really qualifies as a ridiculous lawsuit because, incredibly €“ Lawler won, when every other local promoter was falling by the wayside. The WWF was prevented from running Harley Race with his €˜King€™ gimmick when touring through Lawler€™s territory. Lawler himself is convinced that his gumption in standing up to McMahon was a big factor in his being hired several years later by the WWF, and in his longevity with the company since then: Vince likes people with a set as big as his, essentially. They€™d also parlay the real life litigation into a series of storyline feuds when Lawler arrived in WWF, with Bret Hart€™s King Of The Ring coronation ceremony being hijacked by the real King in 1993, leading to a two year feud between Lawler and the Hart family.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.