10 Most Ridiculous Lawsuits In Wrestling

6. WCW Sues WWF For Mocking Them

In what was referred to as a €˜mirror image€™ lawsuit arising from WWF€™s lawsuit against them over Hall and Nash, WCW filed suit against WWF in May 1998 alleging multiple instances of engaging in unfair business practices designed to confuse the consumer €“ the wrestling fans they were competing over. If you€™re not sure what that actually means, we€™ll break it down for you: as part of the Monday Night War, WWF and WCW would regularly forcibly remove the urine from each other, sarcastically namechecking their competitor€™s promotion, television show and characters and even airing skits further acting as liquid waste extraction devices, like the €˜Billionaire Ted€™ segments, D-X€™s invasion of Nitro, the fake Diesel and Razor Ramon characters, etc etc. Basically, WCW sued WWF for taking the piss out of them on television. Not only was the WCW lawsuit equally as pointless as the WWF€™s own lawsuit of two years earlier, which was still ongoing, but it deliberately aped the structure and style of the previous suit. Opinions vary as to whether the WCW litigation was a legitimate legal tactic to prove to the court in the WWF case that WWF weren€™t practicing what they preached, or just Eric Bischoff€™s way of going €˜nyah nyah, I got your nose, I got your nose€ to Vince McMahon.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.