10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (June 30)

5. Hulk Hogan Wanted To Join The Rolling Stones

Hulk Hogan Guitar

Metallica frontman James Hetfield has laughed when told of Hulk Hogan's claims he once tried out to become the band's bass player. Now, during an interview with The Top Rope, the Hulkster is also claiming he once tried to join The Rolling Stones; Hulk didn't say that he came close to doing so, but he did want to audition for the band during the 1980's.

Working with Jerry Hall (then the wife of Stones singer Mick Jagger) in the UK, Hulk signed some pictures for Hall's son and then couldn't resist asking her to tell Mick and the boys he'd like to fill the vacant bass guitar slot. Hogan wouldn't hear a word from the Stones, their management or Hall regarding his proposal.

This could just be Hulk Hogan being Hulk Hogan, but at least he isn't making bold claims about trying out for Metallica when the band members themselves don't even remember it. Imagine Hulkamania running wild on rock n' roll? Had Hulk had his way, it would have happened.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.