10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (June 30)

4. John Laurinaitis Told Mordecai He'd Make A Million Dollars

Mordecai WWE

Vince McMahon was left dumbstruck by Kevin Fertig's pitch for the short-lived Mordecai character, at least according to Fertig's recent interview with Sports Illustrated. In a WWE meeting, Fertig unveiled his new gimmick to McMahon and John Laurinaitis, painting Mordecai as an "over-the-top religious zealot".

McMahon was impressed by Fertig's pitch for the new guise, especially when Kevin laid out plans to punch through a confessional booth and choke out the poor sap repenting for their sins. Upon leaving the room, Fertig was pulled aside by Laurinaitis, who had a pretty interesting message to relay.

Laurinaitis looked Mordecai in the eye and said, "son, you're about to make a million dollars". When Fertig left the meeting, he felt good about Mordecai's chances in WWE. The character wouldn't last longer than a few months on SmackDown before being abandoned.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.