10 Wrestling Title Changes You Never Knew About

7. Bret Hart - 5th WCW/WWE United States Title

The Title Change: Wrestling icon, Bret €œHitman€ Hart, sadly retired from professional wrestling in 2001 after a series of traumatic concussions. A subsequent stroke years later left him in even worse health and any small chance that a return to active competition was in his future was completely ruled out. Y et, that didn€™t stop the WWE a decade later from having Hart participate in several actual matches for the company. The worst being the €œmatch€ where Hart wound up beating the Miz for his fifth (if you are counting his prior WCW reigns with that belt) United Stated Title. In reality, Hard could LITERALLY not take any bumps due to his health and the entire four minute match consisted of outside interference to aid the Hitman (in a No DQ bout to obviously make these events feasible). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_VpG_BiuOI Once other members of the Hart Family had laid out the Miz, Bret locked in his signature sharpshooter and won the title. The Aftermath: As horrible as it was to watch Hart wrestle as only a shell of his former self, at least the WWE was smart enough to end the farce with that victory. A week later, Hart would come on television and vacate the belt in the storyline that he was now Raw General Manager. It was a merciful end to an obvious gimmick that would get Hart a belt one more time even though he was in no condition to actually wrestle a real match. Almost all wrestling fans have fond memories of Bret Hart as an active competitor. Yet, watching him participate in matches when he obviously couldn€™t compete any longer due to his health was cringeworthy. His last (hopefully) title reign should remain forgotten when there are so many better moments from the long career of the Hitman.

J.D. White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.