10 WWE Superstars That TNA Unsuccessfully Tried To Sign

6. Christian

Edge Rey Mysterio John Morrison TNA

This entry may not involve evidence of a concrete offer from TNA, but it was still a strong signal of intent from the company in acquiring a WWE talent.

During a Q&A session in Glasgow, Scotland, Dixie Carter answered questions from assembled journalists and fans. Her answers were apparently very calm, cool and collected, until a question was posed asking which wrestler she would most like to see in to TNA.

She responded immediately with “Christian Cage”. And even though this was a hypothetical question, there’s a good chance that her enthusiasm was an attempt by Dixie to lure Christian from WWE obscurity and back to the company that helped him move on to the main event.

Of course, this is all pure speculation, but given the speed with which she answered the question—not to mention Christian’s unclear status with the WWE—many were left wondering whether this was a publicity stunt, orchestrated by Dixie in the hope of seizing Captain Charisma’s attention.

Mind you, it clearly failed either way.


Elliott Binks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.