11 Genius Tweaks That Made LAME Wrestling Gimmicks GREAT!

Great Ones levelling up and other wrestlers who tweaked crap gimmicks into something great.

The Rock Final Boss

Within this rapidly changing industry known as professional wrestling, it doesn't take long for a character to become a little stale.

Fans get bored of the same ol' schtick in no time at all, and if a wrestler isn't capable of switching things up a bit in order to move with the times or adapt to these changing reactions, they can soon find themselves slipping down the card or falling out of favour.

When it came to each and every one of the talented folks on this list, though, they thankfully realised it was time for a change before it was too late, slightly tweaking their gimmicks in a variety of ways.

Some of them actually opted to keep almost everything about their character entirely the same, with the only real alteration being a shift from the light side towards the dark. Others realised their typical and uninspiring loudmouth routine needed to be repackaged somewhat, taking their Hollywood persona and turning it right up to eleven.

In the end, the result was still the same, though: all of these fantastic performer successfully transformed crap gimmicks into great ones thanks to a rather brilliant tweak.

11. A Tweak From Badass Hero To Badass Villain For Ronda Rousey

The Rock Final Boss

It honestly cannot be understated just how compelling Ronda Rousey's first WWE run really was from start to finish.

Before she was being royally botched and fumbled in the time post-Royal Rumble 2022 comeback, Ronnie enjoyed an electric start to life as a pro wrestler, producing magic alongside Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, and Kurt Angle at WrestleMania 34.

She'd then embark on a superb few months as an unstoppable babyface, dominating all who stood in her way as the MMA badass eventually got her hands on Raw Women's Championship gold.

It didn't matter that she wasn't the strongest on the mic: Rousey's unpredictable and often explosive work on it still made for captivating television.

And when the fans did inevitably decide they'd had enough of the predictably dominant 'Baddest Woman on the Planet' routine after her Survivor Series battle with Charlotte Flair, all of the above was eventually, seamlessly, used for a p*ssed off badass role instead.

Rousey's unpredictable eruptions on the stick worked a treat as the out of control badass champ, and the same could be said for her equally mesmerising beatdowns. 

Changing very little about her overall character, Ronda went from fiery hero to chaotic villain by finally rejecting the fans who had turned on her.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...