20 Most Iconic Wrestling Costumes Of All Time

11. Ravishing Rick Rude

Greatest Wrestling Costumes

It takes a truly special kind of person to airbrush his own face onto the front of his tights, and it takes a truly diabolical heel to airbrush his opponent's wife's face onto the front of his tights. But 'Ravishing' Rick Rude was nothing if not an exceptionally fiendish heel.

Not only is Rude one of the most criminally underrated performers of his era, but he had one of the greatest looks that a heel in the '80s could possibly have: chiseled beyond belief with a sleazy mustache and someone's face on his crotch at all times. You don't get any better than that.

Several wrestlers would later try to ape certain aspects of Rude's style -- most notably Val Venis-- but no one ever did it quite as well. That swagger combined with his ridiculous wardrobe left a lasting impression on the business.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.