25 Coolest Wrestling Attires Ever

1. 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin

How can a simple pair of black boots and trunks rank as the coolest wrestling attire of all time? It's all about timing. Austin's transformation from his nondescript 'Ringmaster' gimmick to a no-nonsense badass changed the face of wrestling. In shaving what was left of his hair and wearing the simplest possible ring gear, Stone Cold finally allowed the wrestling world to bid goodbye to the glory days of the 80s and set course for the Attitude Era. It helps that Austin still managed to look damn intimidating. Whereas most would have ended up looking like an untouched template on 'create-a-wrestler' mode, the black trunks and boots only emphasised the Rattlesnake's menace - a straightforward look to match his straightforward motives. Upon moving into his now-legendary feud with Vince McMahon, Austin's attire also helped fuel the blue-collar aspect of his character. Vince would take to the ring in tailored suits to cut heel promos on those he perceived to be below him, while Austin would stomp out to confront him with no hint of flash.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.