26 Times Wrestling Titles Have Been Disrespected

11. Colt Cabana Refuses The NWA Title

The NWA was at one point in time seen as the biggest organisation in the wrestling industry. Sadly, those days are long, long gone.

Back in late 2012, Colt Cabana was involved in a best of 7 series with then-NWA World Heavyweight Champion Adam Pearce. The final match was a cage match that took place in Melbourne, Australia, although the NWA refused to sanction the bout as for the NWA Title.

Cabana would win the match, and Pearce stood by his promise that he would leave the NWA if he lost the series. Thing is, the NWA's official word would rule out Pearce as officially losing the title.

Adam Pearce gave Cabana his seal of approval and handed him the NWA Title, but Cabana ended up throwing the championship down before cutting a scathing promo labelling NWA managements as "morons" and "idiots" and that they were a wrestling company that was stuck in the past. In fairness, Cabana most definitely had a point.

When all was said and done, both Cabana and Pearce would leave the NWA World Heavyweight Championship in the middle of the ring in an ultimate show of disrespect to a company that is massively outdated.

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Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.