26 Times Wrestling Titles Have Been Disrespected

12. Vince McMahon, WWF Champion

WWF Title broken

From starting off on our TV screens as a mere announcer, the mid-90s saw Vince McMahon revealed to really be the owner of the then-WWF. After the Montreal Screwjob pushed Vince to becoming the biggest heel in his own company, McMahon ran with it, butting heads with a certain Texas Rattlesnake and becoming a vital part of WWF programming.

As well as Austin, Vinny Mac would also go on to tangle with his now-son-in-law, Triple H. With Vince a babyface, he would actually beat Hunter for the WWF Championship thanks to an assist from long-time enemy "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. In fairness, McMahon would voluntarily give up the title after holding it for just 6 days.

Vince dreamt of being a wrestler and got to become a pretty impressive heel against Steve Austin, but putting the WWF Championship on a 54-year-old businessman who was once seen as just a small-time TV announcer was a stretch and a slap in the face to the superstars who had held the title previously. Still, at least it wasn't as bad as some of the names that would hold WCW's World Title...

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Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.