8 Bad In-Ring Habits That Randy Orton Needs To Change

6. That Temper

Ah, the infamous Randy Orton temper, that has left many a journalist intimidated, many a fan told to go f--- themselves, and many a diva having had the contents of her bag filled with babyoil. It doesn't happen week in and week out, but Orton's volatile temperament has left him breaking kayfabe and flouting the company's new PG rules on more than one occasion. For example, here he is hitting Kofi Kingston with a savage RKO and chewing him out (in the ring!) for botching their finish - Kofi was supposed to take a punt kick. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-kxxFjiD6s&feature=youtu.be In 2010, Miz attempted a cash-in on WWE Champion Sheamus. The plan was for Miz to turn around into an RKO from Orton. However, Miz moved at the last moment, meaning Orton had to change his position outside the ring and come at Miz from a more obvious angle. Orton loses his rag, slaps Miz before hitting the finisher, then cusses him out, calling him 'a douche' and 'a motherf.....' https://youtu.be/-eOrv-VYWgA?t=207 Then he got in trouble again in 2012, this time for flipping off the Boston crowd at Night of Champions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opYfLJsDzOU Calm down, Randall.
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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.