9 Insane Real-Life Scott Steiner Stories

2. Calling WWE's Bluff Regarding Steroids Test

It's no secret that Scott Steiner and Triple don't like each other and had problems working together in WWE. Steiner was brought in as a major deal and immediately put into a feud with The Game, but his physical condition was still poor, despite his lengthy layoff. He had serious back issues as well as droop foot syndrome and, really, shouldn't have been anywhere near a long main event match. But WWE were apparently more concerned with his inflated cartoon physique. These were the days before the Wellness Policy, but WWE still felt to give Steiner a steroid test. Big Poppa Pump called their bluff, responding with 'Cool, just send over Triple H in a limo and we can go take ours together'. Now that takes guts. It was a risky move on Steiner's part, given the backstage pull that Triple H had at that point, but he put his principle before his career. Not that it would have made much difference anyway, since Steiner was demoted to the midcard after his disastrous programme with The Cerebral Assassin ended.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...