Ranking Every WWE Champion Of The Attitude Era

7. The Undertaker

Undertaker WWE Champion

It's kind of amazing to realize that The Undertaker only held the WWE Championship once during the Attitude Era for a total of 36 days. Then again, it makes a certain amount of sense. Why put the title on somebody who, quite frankly, doesn't need it?

The Undertaker has always been above the title, to some extent. Much like Roddy Piper, he was an exceptional draw whether he was the top guy or not. Hell, he didn't even have to be in the chase to consistently remain one of the most powerful and popular guys in the company.

Still, it's kind of a bummer that The Dead Man's time in the spotlight came around the same time as that whole "Higher Power" nonsense. In some ways, it felt like The Undertaker was being used as a temporary placeholder while Vince could serve up a poorly planned mindf**k to Stone Cold.

Because of that, nothing exceptionally interesting happened during his title reign. In fact, all the cool/controversial stuff that was happening during 'Taker's Ministry of Darkness phase pretty much came grinding to a halt during his month as WWE Championship. And then, as soon as he dropped the title back to Austin, he returned to his ultra-compelling ways once again.

So, as sad as it may be to admit, The Undertaker officially had one of the most tepid title runs of any Attitude Era player.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.