Ranking Every WWE SmackDown Stage From Worst To Best

1. Ruthless Aggression Era's Fist Stage

Smackdown fist

The original SmackDown stage had such a unique look that the idea of coming up with anything to match it seemed impossible. However, after Rhyno and Chris Jericho destroyed that set, WWE were presented with the opportunity to rebrand the show - and that's exactly what they did. They gave it a new intro, new theme song and designed a new logo for it. They even did the unthinkable and introduced a brand new set.

The new stage was made up of giant plates that were all intentionally designed to resemble shards of broken glass surrounding a giant fist that had seemingly burst through them. Below the fist was a half-sphere-shaped entrance area, with an electronic screen to display the superstars' entrance videos as well as the show's redesigned logo.

Nothing screams Vince McMahon's "Ruthless Aggression" mantra more than this one. It made its debut in mid-2001 and ended up sticking around all the way up to 2008. Without a doubt, it was the perfect manifestation of what SmackDown was all about and it even went on to become more iconic than its beloved predecessor.


Which SmackDown set was your favourite? Tell us in the comment section below.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.