The past twelve months in World Wrestling Entertainment have provided us with a lot of memorable moments on television as well as on pay-per-view. That PPV business model that WWE had used for most of the last 30 years changed this year when they introduced WWE Network in the US prior to WrestleMania 30 and it became available for most fans for just $9.99 per month. Even though the business model changed, WWE still promotes these monthly PPV events as a big deal. When looking at WWE's 12 PPVs this year, most of them follow the same formula. There are usually two or three matches that get 15 minutes or more, one or two matches might get around 10 minutes and everything else will get less than that. There are exceptions for specialty matches like the Royal Rumble, the Survivor Series elimination tag, Money in the Bank matches and things like that, but generally speaking that formula is in place for all twelve shows. It was a year of average shows with only one or two that would be considered really great. The worst ones weren't that bad, though. That's why it's fair to say it was just an average year for WWE PPVs where often times they didn't feel special enough even though WWE probably felt like they would do better than they actually did. For each PPV event, a listing of the best matches will appear so you know what to check out if you want to watch the show again and also the worst match or matches will be there as well. Keep in mind that this is only about WWE PPVs featuring the main roster, so those two hour NXT specials don't count. Here's a look back at WWE's 12 PPV events from 2014 starting with the worst one going all the way to best one.
John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to with any questions or comments as well.