WWE: 10 Heaviest Ever Wrestlers (And What They Actually Weighed)

6. Yokozuna €“ 568lbs

A member of the legendary Anoa€™i family, Yokozuna charts in at number six on this list. After debuting with the WWE in late 1992, he went on to win the 1993 the Royal Rumble, two tag team titles and a further two WWE Championships. Such a haul makes him one of the most decorated stars on this entire list. Initially, Yokozuna weighed in at 505lbs. One year after his debut though, that number had risen to 550lbs, then the following year to 568lbs, before finally peaking in 1996 at 641lbs. That kind of number seems difficult to fathom for a man who stood just a few inches north of six feet tall, but it appears such a weight gain may indeed have been legitimate. WWE officials allegedly insisted he lose weight, and despite managing to drop 100lbs it still wasn€™t enough to prevent Yokozuna from being released. If the company were serious enough to let him go, then perhaps he really did pass the big 600. But given that in his prime he weighed somewhere around the 568lbs area, that€™s the number we€™ll go with for this list.
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