WWE: 10 Heaviest Ever Wrestlers (And What They Actually Weighed)

7. André The Giant €“ 520lbs

Perhaps the most famous big man in wrestling history, André the Giant was named as such for a reason. Suffering from a condition known as gigantism, André was already 6€™3€ and 240lbs by the age of just 12. Some 19 years later, he entered WrestleMania III to face Hulk Hogan, billed at 520lbs. This number stayed with him for virtually all of his career, although his height was somewhat less consistent. Billed at anywhere from 7€™1€ to 7€™5€, people have often questioned Andr這s true size €“ particularly after he was confirmed to be just 6€™10€ at the time of his death in 1993. So if the WWE were overstating his height, then they could easily have done the same with Andr這s weight. However, given his incredible tolerance to calorific alcohol €“ he once drank 119 beers in a single session €“ I wouldn€™t be at all surprised if he truly was the 520lbs they claimed him to be.
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