WWE: 10 Most Devastating Tag Team Finishing Moves Of All Time

Well, there's no getting up from that one.

The best signature moves showcase a wrestler's personality. The Stone Cold Stunner looks like a Steve Austin move. It's a tough, no-nonsense, direct method of punishment that even allows him a moment of trash-talking both before and after the move is over. That move simply wouldn't have worked for a guy like Undertaker or X-Pac. Coming up with a tag team signature maneuver that encompasses both wrestlers' personalities then, based on simple mathematics, is twice as hard to do and do well. But when they click, they're almost always more exciting to watch than that of a single competitor. When fans saw The Hardy Boyz or Harlem Heat get into position for their big move, they went out of their seats (and minds) with anticipation. And when they hit it, the pop was usually deafening. Choosing the absolute best of the best comes down to three essential criteria: synchronicity, impact, and above all else, how friggin' cool it looks when its delivered. It's tough for a team to come up with something that nails all three, but when they do it's oh-so satisfying to watch...
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.