WWE: 10 Most Devastating Tag Team Finishing Moves Of All Time

10. Demolition - Decapitation

Demolition will always be known as the second greatest post-apocalyptic themed tag team in the WWE, operating on a slightly lower level than Legion of Doom. Some of that was the simple matter of LOD doing the whole "power duo with Mad Max ring attire" schtick long before Demolition put on their studded tights, but really, when it came right down to it, Ax and Smash just weren't as dynamic as Hawk and Animal. And it shows when you compare their tandem finishers. While the concept of the Demolition Decapitation is incredibly savage - Smash would perform a backbreaker and hold his position while Ax came off the turnbuckle with a diving elbow drop, essentially breaking the opponent's back twice - the execution could be a little hit or miss. Still, when everything connected the way it should, the move was devastating to watch. It's not as flashy as the rest of the moves on this list, but there was never any doubt that the match would (and should) be over once they brought this out. After all, how does a guy keep competing with a broken back and busted sternum?
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.