WWE: 14 Gross-Out Moments That Made You Gag

4. Smells Like Teen Spirit

In 2006 when HBK and HHH reformed DX to get back at Vince McMahon, the two would employ all manners of sophomoric antics to get their revenge, and one of the grossest moments happened to take place against Vince, Shane, and the Spirit Squad. Utilizing WWE logic that states that if something unspeakably gross happens to a heel it must be hilarious, DX waited for Vince, Shane and the Spirit Squad to collect at the top of the ramp. As Vince demanded to know why there was a portable toilet on the side of the stage, DX responded by dropping gallons of poop on the group, who proceeded to slip, slide, and freak out as they were covered from head to toe. More disgusting and cringe-worthy than funny, the stunt proved that a shower of fecal matter is in supremely bad taste no matter who it gets rained on. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkP7WGSU9oY

My first WWE Network search? Mideon.