WWE Money In The Bank 2016: 10 Things You Probably Missed
Seth Rollins' brilliant sell job shouldn't go unnoticed...

It's the little things that often mean the most, which is something Seth Rollins completely understands. Just minutes after winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, the returning star was left reeling as Dean Ambrose cashed in his Money In The Bank contract for a shot at the newly-won belt.
In a key moment, Seth looked absolutely shattered by the dawning realisation that his journey back from a serious knee injury was all for naught. Had he neglected to sell the crushing emotion of Ambrose deciding to cash in his privileges, the ending to Money In The Bank may not have been as impactful.
That was just one of the many nuances easily missed on the pay-per-view. Amongst other things, there were unique referee reactions that bordered on goofy, a loosely-scripted heel promo that worked out for the best and even references to a missed penalty at the Euro 2016 football tournament.
Taking everything in on just one viewing of a WWE pay-per-view can be tough, so here are some things that may just have slipped your notice first time around at Money In The Bank...
10. Mike Chioda's Giddy Reaction To A Golden Truth Win

Mike Chioda is WWE's senior official, he's the one most often called upon to referee top main event matches. At Money In The Bank, he also donned the striped shirt for the very first bout fans witnessed, a match pitting the Golden Truth against Breezango. It seems Chioda was very pleased with the outcome.
The story of the encounter called for both Tyler Breeze and Fandango to be sunburned, making them ripe for chops and other painful moves from Goldust and R-Truth. This didn't allow the match to really get going as a serious contest, but at least there was some story for the under card guys to work with here.
As soon as it became clear the heels couldn't really bump around too much, it was obvious that the good guys were winning. Once they did, Mike Chioda seemingly couldn't hide his delight.
Go back and watch his happy little face as he joins in on celebrating with Goldust and bounces around the ring gleefully. Chioda was probably just selling a first win for Golden Truth, but it was unintentionally hilarious.