WWE SummerSlam 2013: 5 Matches We'd Love To See

2. John Cena vs. Randy Orton vs. Sheamus vs. Ryback vs. Alberto Del Rio (WWE Championship Match)

john-cena-wwe-champion Whatever happened to the championship scramble match? Now I realise that having a scramble match, with no definitive feud, headlining your second biggest pay-per-view may not be the smartest idea, but think about it. You could bring two feuds together, chuck in the Money In The Bank winner, who for some reason I think will be Sheamus, and then you€™ve got your match. There is a distinct lack of fresh talent and feuds in the WWE lately, with them relying on older, part time stars to come in and sell pay-per-views, which I don€™t agree with. A scramble match will allow them to showcase their regular, full time talent, whilst allowing the creative team to experiment with certain mini matches within the overall match. It could lead for some exciting stuff. Cena needs somebody new to feud with. I can€™t see his feud with Ryback lasting very long, and putting the belt on him would just be a foolish decision. And he€™s already feuded with 92% of the main event talent at the moment. Thus, a scramble match sounds like a logical solution.

Entertainments lover. Yoghurt hater. Beard grower.