WWE SummerSlam 2013: 5 Matches We'd Love To See

3. Dolph Ziggler vs. Daniel Bryan (World Heavyweight Championship Match)

dolph-ziggler I€™ve been campaigning for these two to have a prolonged feud for a while now, and it seems that Summerslam 2013 is the perfect time to kick start this. Hopefully, Team Hell No will drop the tag straps and feud with each other for a bit, freeing them both up for singles pushes afterwards. They did a great job bringing some credibility back to the tag team division, but now it's time to let them breathe on their own. Ziggler on the other hand is our current World Heavyweight Champion. However, the way he€™s been booked lately, you wouldn€™t have thought so. Ziggler€™s win-loss ratio in 2012 was appalling for someone so talented. Although, that has made him appear vulnerable as a champion. Hopefully this will lead to some great, exciting feuds; not some Super Cena-esque feuds which are insanely predictable. These two have had the odd match every now and then; with their match back at Bragging Rights 2010 being nothing short of incredible. A feud over the World Heavyweight Championship could be a contender for feud of the year, in a similar vein to Bryan€™s feud with CM Punk in 2012. The fans are begging for it.

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