10 Comic Book Films That Ignored The Source (That Fans Still Loved)
4. V For Vendetta
Of all the Alan Moore Graphic Novels adapted to film (and yes, there are quite a few), V for Vendetta is arguably the most successful and praised by the general audience amongst them.
Even though Watchmen has its big share of fans, there is no denying that the 2005 adaptation of the Alan Moore dystopian political poetry has captured the hearts of millions of people, making the infamous Guy Fawkes mask a symbol of anarchistic justice.
But amongst the many fans, those who have read the superb 1988 DC/Vertigo graphic novel know full well how the focus of the movie was far off from Moore’s original graphic novel.
While director James McTeigue's film is slightly busier showing off Hugo Weaving's charming killer moves and building an anarchist’s dream mob, Alan Moore and David Lloyd's work spent much more time with his Orwellian version of London and its inhabitants, with what it would mean to trade freedom for protection.
While it wouldn't be exactly fair to say that the graphic novel wasn't consulted during the film's production, many can agree that the movie is still a far cry from it – although a pretty good one all the same.