Batwoman Trailer Reactions: 3 Ups & 4 Downs
1. The Dialogue

Poor dialogue can hinder the best of shows and, unfortunately, Batwoman appears to be full of it.
This is a trend that all of The CW shows have suffered from over the years, but usually their debut trailers pick and choose the best of what it has to offer, deleting any expository material in a bid to present the new show as the spectacle that the network wishes it to be. That, however, was not the case here.
"I'm not about to let a man take credit for a woman's work." Kate tells Luke Fox in a determined tone, and though the sentiment is admirable, her statement would have a lot more grounds if she hadn't, you know, broken into her cousin's office/cave, utilised his technology and stolen his mantle. If you really stop to think about it, isn't she taking credit for someone else's work?
This isn't a criticism of the show's feminist tone - quite the opposite, in fact - it's an example of how poor dialogue can undercut an incredibly important movement. Nobody would have accused Kate of taking credit for Bruce's work had she not uttered that cringe-worthy statement (after all, this is exactly how most spin-off characters come to be), but a throwaway line to tell the audience that she's a strong female character instantly undermined the message of the show.
Subtext isn't subtext if it bashes you over the head and, much like The CW's other shows, it's clear that Batwoman is destined to suffer from a lot of on-the-nose dialogue.
What did you make of the Batwoman trailer? Tell us in the comment section below.
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