DCEU: 10 Comics It Must Adapt To Beat Marvel
The MCU might be heading for Phase 4, but can DC actually catch them?

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is currently in the midst of experiencing potentially its most important year yet, but another comic book movie franchise has been experiencing changes of its own too - the DC Extended Universe.
Back when it was conceived in 2013, the DCEU was set to be Warner Bros' answer to the MCU. Zack Snyder, albeit a divisive filmmaker, had a proven box-office draw and what better way to mount that challenge, they thought, than with Superman?
The story since has been anything but smooth sailing, with Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, Suicide Squad and Justice League all floundering amongst critics, while the latter failed to make any waves financially either. Couple that with a future slate of films that failed to really inspire any kind of confidence amongst audiences, and it's clear that, until recently, the DCEU was in dire straights.
However, it's equally true that some have been too quick to pronounce the series' death. Both Wonder Woman and Aquaman were immensely successful, and achieved that success by divesting from the original vision optioned by Snyder in his first two films.
Now, with a markedly different set of upcoming projects, a new Batman and a new direction, WB might finally be able to mount the challenge they hoped Man of Steel would in 2013. Here are the comics they should look in order to make it happen.