Superman Symbolism: What 10 Most Famous Villains Really Mean

9. Bizarro - His Exact Opposite

It's fairly self-explanatory what Bizarro represents with regards to Superman, given that the very concept of the character is that he is the opposite of the Kryptonian hero in almost every way that he could possibly be (powers, intellect, moral standing etc). More specifically, he's an imperfect duplicate of the Man of Steel and everything Bizarro does is deliberately backwards or the opposite of what is considered normal (both to Superman and in general). He is extremely dumb and represents what Superman could be like if he wasn't so sound of mind. He is also testament to the fact that not all super-powered heroes and villain are perfect physical specimens and/or geniuses - they can be flawed both physically and mentally.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.