The Suicide Squad Cast Reveal - Predicting EVERY Character

11. Jennifer Holland - Karin Grace

Karin Grace DC Comics
DC Comics

If we were fantasy booking how to make The Suicide Squad, this is the point where we'd suggest that the first iteration of the Suicide Squad, as led by Joel Kinnaman's Rick Flag would end up killed off, with Flag either also killed or imprisoned by a powerful villain. That would draw out Amanda Waller again as she sought to cover her tracks (while pretending she cared about Flag's fate).

If that was the case, you'd want someone who cared about Flag leading the retrieval Squad, which makes the idea of Jennifer Holland playing original Squad member Karin Grace all the more compelling. She's not a villain - which suits Holland far more - and her links to Flag could be used to invert the usual damsel in distress storyline rather beautifully.

The other possibilities are that Holland could be playing someone like Killer Frost, who is a compelling enough character that you'd suspect she'd have entered Gunn's thinking at some point. Or, slightly more left-field is the possibility of her playing Hawkgirl. In the original Suicide Squad, Task Force X obviously end up in Midway City - the original home of Hawkman and Hawkgirl - and the idea of having some heroes involved trying to get in the way of the Squad is really great.



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