007 Fiendish Bond Villain Plans That Were Really Idiotic

001. Korean Invasion via Space Laser - Die Another Day

The Plan: North Korean Colonel Moon, thought dead by the world, uses special gene therapy to turn himself into a white man (what), assumes an entirely new identity as a British national named Gustav Graves (WHAT), becomes a billionaire in just 14 months (WHAT), builds a special solar-energy-directing satellite under the auspices that it can provide year-round sunlight to help crops (WHAT), then uses said satellite to begin to blast a path through the minefield in the Korean DMZ, in order to allow North Korea to invade the South. The Dear Leader would be proud. The Idiocy: ... ...Wait, you need me to explain why that's absurd? ...Did you read it?
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Dan Schindel loves movies more than you do. He considers it an accomplishment to have survived a year and counting in Los Angeles. Someday, he'll be the greatest critic in the world. He spent a year watching a documentary every day, so now he knows everything.