10 2015 Movies That Are Destined To Disappoint You

9. Ted 2

Like the recent seasons of Family Guy, Ted 2 only exists because the idea was once popular; it's hard to imagine that Seth MacFarlane, a comedian who despite producing wide-appeal product always has an eye for creativity, isn't being pushed into the comedy sequel by Universal on the back of the original's box office (that Family Guy comment isn't written in spite either - MacFarlane has stated he wants to show to die). Ted was obscenely popular, probably more so than a Family Guy script minus the cutaways deserved, but as a feature debut for the traditionally animation-focused MacFarlane it was a great outing, presenting a fun twist on the traditional bromance-interfering-with-relationship story and showing Mark Wahlberg geek-out over Flash Gordon. Nothing about it, however, screamed franchise. And, with Mila Kunis jumping ship, replaced by Amanda Seyfried as the obvious-joke named Samantha L. Jackson, thing are already looking a bit stretched. After A Million Ways To Die In The West absolutely tanked, MacFarlane needs to do something pretty great to prove he can survive in the cinema arena, and a comedy sequel, a sub-genre notoriously hard to crack, isn't the way to do it.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.